Wednesday 13 April 2011

To AV or not to AV

Something serious for the moment.  I received a leaflet today from the One Person, One Vote campaign (very PC - it used to be One Man, One Vote) reminding me that I must vote for or against the Alternative Vote system on May 5th.  I have to say that despite the charming blandishments of Mr Stephen Fry and thespian colleagues notwithstanding I am in favour of retaining the current system.  It's very simple and transparent, difficult to fiddle - I have been a scrutineer in both local and general elections - all the candidates have their own scrutineers to keep a watch on the count and make sure it's fair - no jiggery-pokery with machines when the votes are all counted by hand - everone understands how it works and the electorate is quite savvy in knowing how to use the system to get the government they want, including the present coalition.  So I shall be voting No to AV in the referendum on May 5th.

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