Tuesday 19 April 2011

Cannes 2011 Critics' Week Line-up

The line-up has been announced for Cannes 2011 Critics' Week which runs from May 12-20.
The films chosen are as follows:

'Las Acacias' Argentina, Pablo Giorgelli
'Ave' Bulgaria-France, Konstantin Bojanov
'17 Filles' France, Delphine and Muriel Coulin
'The Slut' Israel, Hagar Ben-Asher
'Snowtown' Australia, Justin Kurzel
'Sauna on Moon' China, Zou Peng
'Take Shelter' US, Jeff Nichols

Special Screenings
' La Guerre est declaree' France, Valerie Donzelli (opening film)
'Pourquoi tu pleures?' France, Katia Lewcowicz (closing film)
'Walk Away Renee' US-France-Belgium, Jonathan Caouette
'My Little Princess' France, Eva Ionesco

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