Friday 15 April 2011

The Ghostrider in paperback

The Ghostrider is now available to order in a paperback edition from price £7.78 with free delivery available.  A tale based on a true case of bodysnatching that happened in 1828  it is an exciting adventure involving highwaymen and Bow Street Runners.  It was written for the age-group 10-15. It is also available to download in a Kindle edition price £2.82.

I am quite excited about this book because this is the first time I have put the whole publication together myself.  With CreateSpace it was astonishingly easy so I am intending to make the other Kindle books available in paperback this way as well.  From a writer's point of view it is a great way of publishing as you control the whole business from start to finish.  Will it be successful in the long term?  Watch this space.

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