Saturday 16 April 2011

Garden rubbish

A lovely weekend promised but I am stricken with hayfever so unable to do anything much in the garden.   I am taking antihistamines and hoping that the problem will sort itself.  I've never had such serious hayfever before.  If I stay within reach of plants or cut flowers in about twenty minutes I find I can't see which is a bit of a handicap in my profession and it's espcially annoying at a time of year when I really need to work in the garden. The primroses still look lovely but the tulips and daffodils have now gone over.  Fortunately I don't have to cut the grass as one of our neighbours is doing this for us and he came to do it about ten days ago.  He does a really good job and the neat lawn shows of the borders nicely.  We have been getting free seeds in the paper all week to grow our own veg.  Cabbages and leeks etc are out of the question unless we rent an allotment but I was thinking of planting a few pots of herbs to sit outside the kitchen door.  Fresh herbs are so much better in cooking. 

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