Sunday 17 April 2011

A Reason to be Sinful

As it's the start of Holy Week I will start with something to make us good...
St Talharain's Prayer
God impart to me thy strength,
And in that strength, reason;
And in reason, knowledge,
And in knowledge, justice
And in justice the love of it;
And in the love of justice the love of everything
And in the love of everything
The Love of God.

St Talharain was a fifth century Celtic saint.  You will find out tomorrow why I have chosen him.

...followed by a reason to be sinful.

Chocolate Marble Cake
225g (8 oz) English butter
225g (8 oz) Caster sugar
3 (size 3) eggs
350 g (12 oz) self raising flour
pinch salt
225 ml (7 fl oz) milk
25g (1 oz) cocoa

1. Cream the butter and sugar together.
2. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well.
3. Fold in the flour and salt and the milk.
Top tip: I do this all in the food processor so it only takes a few minutes. If you don't have one use the soft spreadable butter as this takes the hard work out of creaming it with the sugar.
4. Divide the mixture into two bowls, add the cocoa to one and mix well.
5. Spoon mixtures alternately into a prepared 7 inch cake tin to get the marbled effect.  This gives a lovely deep cake but if you want a flatter cake use an 8 inch tin.
Top tip: it's a good idea to put a round of greaseproof paper in the bottom of the tin even if it's ostensibly 'non-stick' as it helps to get the cake out safely.
6. Bake - 160 degrees centigrade, 325 degrees Fahrenheit or Gas Mark 3 for one and a half hours until well risen.  Cool and turn out onto a cake rack.
Tip to impress:  Smother it with chocolate icing.  Go on, you know you want to.

This is quite an expensive cake but rises beautifully and is sure to impress visitors.  Most importantly of course it is delicious so you might be tempted to keep it all to yourself.  A good book, a cup of tea and a big slice of cake are after all the hallmarks of a civilized life.  The recipe is tried and tested.  I made it a few weeks ago.  Highly recommended.

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