Monday 13 January 2014

Sherlock - taking fiction too seriously?

The Daily Mail today complains of left-wing bias in the BBC drama series Sherlock on the grounds that the archvillain in last night's episode is a press baron and (inferred because we don't know this) a capitalist.  He is, or rather was as Sherlock shoots him at the end, also Johnny Foreigner in keeping with the mindset of the original. 

Archvillains of course need to be outrageously wealthy in order to carry out their dastardly schemes and are pretty much bound to be capitalists.  I thought it a little more worrying that there was an assumption that a press baron would be innately cavalier with the truth.

However I feel that the DM is getting its knickers in a twist about nothing.  One could equally argue the opposite view.  The eponymous hero and indeed everyone at the FCO and MI6 who represent the British Establishment are distinctly posh.  Not too many dropped consonants there.  The only chap with a glottal stop is a drug addict.

Sherlock is an adventure story and one should beware of reading too much into fiction.  It is what it says on the tin and there is that awfully good story about tilting at windmills.  There is no point in starting at shadows. 

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