Sunday 12 January 2014

2014 Films to catch up on

Three very different films I can recommend.

Star Trek: Into Darkness  Latest in the franchise with spectacular special effects.  The Starship Enterprise is now so big it must take light years to walk round it. As an old Trekkie who has been watching this series since its start in the 1960s I have to say the new cast is very good.  I did not find myself hankering after the original.  Benedict Cumberbatch very effective as the villain - he will be back!

Chicago  Snazzy jazzy musical.  Stellar cast do justice to hit stage show.  It betrays its stage origins a bit but inventively transferred to the screen.  Great dancing, great songs.  Worth two hours of your time.

Culloden 1746 This was on a channel called movies for men but don't let that put you off.  It's a 1970s film which had somehow passed me by but a good historical film, very accurate in its depiction of a rather difficult event to dramatize.  I thought they had a good go.  The cinematography is beautiful, lovely subdued rich colours of a Scottish landscape in winter and carefully composed interiors to imitate 18th century paintings.  Lovely to look at and a fine performance by Brian Blessed.  I don't know why it isn't shown more often.  It ends badly but of course you knew that.

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