Saturday 9 March 2013

London Chocolate Festival 2013

The London Chocolate Festival will run from 22 - 24 March  at the Southbank Centre where you will be able to sample sweet and savoury creations and cocktails.  You can become a choc swot with free workshops.  Details can be found at

This comes under the 'Things you didn't know about your own family' heading as I have only recently learnt that my great uncle and aunt, returning from a spell living in Australia to their native Worcester, trained as chocolatiers, opened a chocolate shop and gave classes to would-be chocolate-makers. This would have been in the 1930s I guess so this is not a new phenomenon.

For those living outside London other chocolate festivals are being held at Easter in Bristol (home to Rowntrees), where you can have your portrait painted in chocolate and join a tour of a chocolate factory. The Bristol Chocolate Festival is on 30-31 March details from the website above.  For those oop north there is the York Chocolate Festival (home to Terrys) being held 29 March - 1 April.  Chocolate traders across the north-east promise to tempt you with cakes, biscuits and hand-made chocolates.  They are also offering chocolate dinners, workshops and demos details of which can be found on their website at

If you succumb to that lot you might like to know that the 33rd London Marathon leaves Greenwich Park on 21st April.  Fortunately I am way too old for that!

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