Monday 4 March 2013

British Pie Week - Bacon Pie recipe

This week is British Pie Week running from 4 - 10th March.  Here is my contribution to celebrate the great British Pie, a cheap and nutritious pie ideal for feeding a family on a budget.

Bacon Pie
1 - 2 tablespoons of sage and onion stuffing mix (or home-made stuffing, see below)
boiling water
8 oz sausage meat
1-2 tablespoons tomato puree or chutney
3/4 lb of bacon pieces (offcuts from bacon joint)
8 oz shortcrust pastry
2 - 3 tomatoes (optional)

Home-made sage and onion stuffing (more faff than the mix but much nicer)
peel and chop 1 onion and boil in water in a small saucepan until the onion is soft
put the onion in a food processor and zap or chop it very finely on a chopping board
grate or zap in food processor two or three slices of white bread to make breadcrumbs
mix the onion and breadcrumbs with 1/2 tablespoon of dried sage
mix the whole lot with 1 oz of melted butter and a spoonful of milk to make a paste

(alternatively make up the stuffing mix with melted butter and boiling water as per the instructions on the packet.)

To make the pie
Stir the sausage meat and tomato puree or chutney with your sage and onion stuffing.  Remove the rind and fat from the bacon pieces and chop the meat fairly finely (you can sometimes find this done for you in the supermarket) and mix with the sausage mixture.

Roll out half the pastry and line a 9-inch pie plate.  Spread the sausage mixture filling over this.  If you like tomatoes slice them up and arrange in a layer over the filling.  Roll out the remaining pastry to cover the pie.  Trim, seal and flute the edges and make two or three slashes in the top to allow steam to escape.  Glaze with egg or milk and bake at Mark 6 (Gas), or 400 degrees (Electric) for 20 - 30 mins until golden then reduce the heaqt to Mark 3 (325 degrees) for a further 20-30 minutes.  Serves Six to eight portions.

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