Sunday 3 February 2013

Winter Skies by Carol Richards - Song Lyric

I have noticed over the years that people like to be able to read song lyrics so it seems unfair to publish a song on the internet without the lyric.  Here are the words to Winter Skies should you wish to sing along.

Winter Skies
(copyright (c) 1985 Carol Richards)

Winter Skies
Grey clouds spinning soft rock in the air
Poor disguise
For the gap of nothing hidden there
Winter Skies

Winter's clown
Sad-faced poker registers defeat
Ill-scarred town
Battered by the wind that sweeps the street
And still a clown

Naked trees stand black against the sun
Reaching for the trigger of the gun
All the gold is glitter hanging on the tree
And the future's bitter and it's not for me

Winter skies
Whiter than the stone that marks the grave
Here it lies
All that we thought ever worth to save
And there it dies

Winter's song
Whistles down the branches of the wind
Sails gone
Former glories gradually thinned
The film's too long

Black and white it flickers on the screen
Forgotten past eventually seen
Through a child's eyes
In the winter skies

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