Sunday 8 May 2011

Recipe for Sunday Tea - Banana Bread

This is another very quick and easy recipe for Sunday tea.  It's a very good way of using up those bananas that go very soft very quickly in warm weather as you want the bananas soft, but not brown, to mash them.  It's another cake that makes a very good base for an ice-cream pudding. Toffee ice-cream goes especially well with banana.  I like it spread with butter like a tea-bread. You can just throw everything into a food processor and give it a good whizz.


2 oz butter
1 egg
4 oz sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
2-3 bananas, soft for mashing
8 oz flour
1 level teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
2 oz chopped walnuts (optional)

Cream butter and sugar together.  Add beaten egg and vanilla essence.   Mash bananas and add to the mixture.  Sift flour, salt and baking powder.  Mix into mixture.  Add nuts if you like them.  Bake in a greased loaf 11b loaf pan for about an hour or until a fork comes out clean at 300F, Gas Mark 3.  (The length of time depends on how moist your mixture ie how many bananas you use and how big they are so it's best to check with the fork test). 

If you want a larger cake just double the quantities and bake in a 2lb loaf tin for one and a half hours at 300F or Gas Mark 3.  

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