Thursday 5 May 2011

Amazon Publishing Embraces Romance

Amazon Publishing has launched its fourth imprint focussing on romance as it continues to expand its publishing business bringing together digital platforms and traditional book publishing. 

Montlake Romance will be available to readers in North America in digital and physical formats and will launch its first book, Connie Brockway's The Other Guy's Bride, in the autumn. The imprint will also publish romance, suspense, contemporary and historical romance as well as fantasy and paranormal tales. 

The Vice-President of Amazon Publishing, Jeff Belle, is quoted as saying: "Romance is one of our biggest and fastest growing categories particularly among Kindle customers so we can't wait to make The Other Guy's Bride and other compelling titles available to romance fans around the world.  We also know our customers enjoy genre fiction of all kinds so we are busy building publishing businesses that will focus on additional genres as well."

The other Amazon Publishing imprints are Amazon Encore which highlights previously self-published titles, Amazon Crossing which publishes foreign language titles and Seth Godin's imprint The Domino Project.

This is good news for Amazon writer/self-publishers like me because at present Kindle publishing is being disparaging compared to vanity publishing whereas it is in reality the opposite.  Vanity Publishing presupposes that you have access to a printer/publisher but not to the market.  With Kindle publishing you have access to a huge market which is why Amazon astutely renamed the awkward 'Digital Text Platform' Kindle Direct Publishing since this is a more accurate way of describing what you are doing.  However it does leave you without the advantage of an imprint brand and by introducing this Amazon are giving their writers that all important marketing tool.

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