Monday 13 July 2015

Why the arts matter - the economic argument

Arts Council England has just published a report detailing the contribution made by arts and culture to the UK economy. The report, written by Cebr (Centre for Economic and Business Research) provides evidence that arts and culture offers a "strong, tangible contribution to the national economy."

The Arts Council England report was launched on 13 July in conjunction with the Creative Industries Federation whose own report is titled 'Arts and Growth:How public investment in the arts contributes to growth in the Creative industries.' You can follow the conversation on Twitter at #cultureforgrowth.

The reports indicate that the Creative industries experienced growth of 9.9% which is higher than any other industrial sector including financial services. Publicly invested arts return 0.4% of the country's GVA and indirectly contribute via tourism, overseas trade and regional development. Arts and Culture is worth £7.7 billion GVA to the UK economy, has generated £15.1 billion in turnover in 2012-2013, an increase of 26% since 2010. For every £ spent on arts and culture an additional £1.06 is generated in the economy.

And after forty years in the business I am still treated as if I do not have a proper job!

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