Tuesday 4 June 2013

The Future for Libraries

Arts Council England has just published the results of a major research project undertaken over the past year in a document entitled 'Envisioning the library of the future'. I know.  Why can't they come up with titles for official documents which don't sound as if they have been dreamed up by someone who is not a native English speaker? And the Arts Council, for goodness sake.

Anyway this one might be useful to some of my readers as its aim is to help library staff, funders and Joe Public to understand what libraries could and should look like in the future.

The Arts Council claims it will help them as well as their partners in the library sector to discuss with more clarity the value, role and purpose of public libraries suggesting ways they can respond to the enormous changes in technology which affect the future use and storage of books and archive material while allowing them to remain as they always have been at the heart of their communities.

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