Tuesday 16 April 2013

2013 Pulitzer Prize Winners

The Associatd Press reports the 2013 Pulitzer Prize winners today, April 16, 2013, awarded for all types of journalism from international news to feature photo-journalism.  The winners are as follows:

The Sun Sentinel, Fort Lauderdale, Florida for its investigation of off-duty police officers who were recklessly speeding and endangering lives which led to the suspension and dismissal of officers involved and significant policy changes at several South Florida police agencies.  Editor Howard Saltz is reported as saying this type of journalism made the community safer and made certain that people behaved in a more appropriate and just way which he concluded is really what journalism is all about.

The Denver Post Staff won the award for the Post's coverage of the mass shooting at a movie theatre in suburban Aurora last summer which left 12 people dead.  News Director Kevin Dale commented that the newspaper would rather have won for a less tragic story.  The award citation noted that the paper had used Twitter, Facebook, video and written reports to capture the story and provide context indicating the greater breadth and use of wider media that is part of newspaper reporting today.

The New York Times scooped several awards including:

David Bairstow and Alejandra Xanic von Bertrab for Investigative Reporting; The New York Times Staff for Explanatory Reporting; David Barboza for International Reporting and John Branch for Feature Writing.

The prize for Local Reporting was won by Brad Shrade, Jeremy Olsen, Glen Howatt of the Star Tribune, Minneapolis which also scooped the prize for Steve Sack for Editorial Cartooning.

The prizes for National Reporting went to InsideClimate News, Commentary to Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal, Critism to Philip Kennicott of The Washington Post and Editorial Writing to Tim Nickens and Daniel Ruth of the Tampa Bay Times.

Prizes for photo-journalism went to Rodrigo Abd, Manu Brabo, Narciso Contreras, Khalil Hamra and Muhammed Muheisen of the Associated Press for Breaking News Photography and to freelance photographer Javier Manzano for Feature photography.

The Pulizter Prizes for the Arts were awarded in the following categories:

FICTION: Adam Johnson for 'The Orphan Master's Son'
DRAMA:  Ayad Akhtar's 'Disgraced'
BIOGRAPHY: Tom Reiss for 'The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal and the real Count of Monte Cristo
POETRY: Sharon Olds for 'Stag's Leap'
GENERAL NON-FICTION: Gilbert King for 'Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys and the Dawn of a New America'
MUSIC: Caroline Shaw for 'Partita for 8 Voices'

Congratulations to all the winners.

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