Wednesday 24 October 2012

London Film Festival winners

It's that time of year again.  The trees are changing from green to gold, Guy Fawkes night is nearly upon us and the London film festival has drawn to a close.  And the winners were...

Best film: Rust and Bone

First feature competition - the Sutherland Award went to Benh Zeithin for his film Beasts of the Southern Wild - a brilliant distinctive vision of life on the edge of the world.

The Documentary Competition - the Grierson Award was won by Alex Gibney for his film Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God (Great title) - a damning indictment of the Catholic Church and attempts by the Vatican to cover up one of the most appalling scandals of our time.

Best British Newcomer was Director and Screenwriter Sally El Hosaini for My Brother the Devil.

BFI Fellowships went to Helena Bonham Carter and Tim Burton.

None of my predictions won anything.  Oh well.. there's always next year.

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