Tuesday 18 September 2012

Britfilm driver of economic growth

The UK film industry contributed more than £4.6bn to the British economy in 2011 according to research published by Oxford Economics.  A thriving industry supports 117,400 jobs, up from 100,000 in 2009 with 8,000 jobs being created in the last three years, a period with an unusually gloomy economic outlook.  The number of films being made in Britain has grown from 43 in the 1980s to 136 from the year 2000.  Box office receipts last year reached a record high of £410 million.

Oxford Economics conclude that film is an industry driving growth in the UKs economy.  Minister for Creative Industries Ed Vaizey is quoted as saying the report 'highlights the huge contribution that the film industry makes to long-term growth.'

Recent and ongoing investment at nearby Pinewood and even nearer Leavesden Studios is laying the foundation for future success.  Saturday Morning Pictures has since November 2005 been making a small contribution to development.  Two principal film projects Master Merryman and The Lady in Grey are now available in paperback via Amazon. Master Merryman is now ready to go forward to production. The Lady in Grey is still in script development.  Details are to be found on the company websiteat www.saturdaymorningpictures.eu

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