Thursday 9 August 2012

Books finding new markets

All my books are now being distributed by Amazon Europe as well as and  List available to date

The Ghostrider
The Lady in Grey
The Wonderful History of the Sword in the Stone
The Serpent's Cove
Master Merryman
The Devil and the Bag of Nails

Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness:the Life of John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester (biography) is currently still only available in a Kindle Edition - I am a bit slow on getting this one ready for a paperback edition, apologies to anyone still waiting.

Columbanus: Poet, Preacher, Statesman, Saint (biography) is available in paperback from Imprint Academic and all good bookstores.

That's your lot for now!  As regular readers of this blog will know I am currently working on a history of post-roman Britain which is proving very surprising.

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