Wednesday 26 November 2014

Shakespeare and Master Merryman - First Folio Discovered

News today that a First Folio of Shakespeare's plays has been discovered at a library in Saint-Omer near Calais. Printed in 1623 the book of 36 plays is the 229th copy believed to exist. The book is valued at around £4million but the librarian says the town will never sell it. Good for him. Some things are beyond price.

Shakespeare learnt much of his art from his predecessors, the heroes of my Christmas story Master Merryman, Henry Medwall and Miles Bloomfield, Medwall in particular. Shakespeare mentions his play Fulgens and Lucres in his own work and almost certainly acted in it many times. Many of his comedies included in the First Folio take their structure from Fulgens and Lucres.

Thursday 20 November 2014


That time of year again to remind everyone that my Christmas book MASTER MERRYMAN is a jolly good read. Suitable for young teenage sprigs of the family (and ssh... they might learn something.)