Thursday 3 October 2013

National Poetry Day

Today is National Poetry Day in the UK.  By way of a minor contribution I found this poem which I wrote way back in 1975 I think. 

Be at peace O my brothers.
Fear not the chasm that lies beneath
the rock of your mortality.

Be at peace O my brothers.
The black night shakes and with its shield
the storm clouds struggle
wrestling with one another across the sky
but be not afraid.

The morning dawns, a bowl of light
The power of which is glory.

Even as streaks of the imperial sun
like fire singe the paper rim of heaven
spreading their golden tendrils
like a flowr
a strange, uncanny, luminous plant unfolding
blossoming in the heart of darkness
the day engendered crows triumphant,
the bright blade cuts the edge of sawn.

Lightning fizzles,
a damp squib splutters in decay
and thunder rolls unheeded in the gutter.

Such a little thing is man.

A leaf trembles
cold in the morning dew,
a river of fresh opalescence
traces a slender path along its veins,
the perfect miniature of a mountain stream,
a crystalline tear
shimmering through the spectrum forms and falls,
a piece of beauty in an unmade world.

Be not afraid my brothers
though the darkness threatens to engulf you
for out of the darkness will come light.

Such a little thing is man
But such a thing of nature as is the universe.
It is a thing of beauty.
Do not strive too hard to understand.

Carol Richards Copyright (c) 1975